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Multi-Engine Training Aerodynamics and Performance Quizzes




Welcome to Parts 1, 2, and 3 of the Aerodynamics and Performance section in Thrust Flight’s comprehensive Piper Seminole multi-engine training program.

During videos 1, 2, and 3, you’ve delved deeper into the critical aspects of multi-engine aerodynamics and performance. The knowledge you’ve accumulated so far has laid a solid foundation, and this quiz is designed to test and reinforce your understanding of the advanced principles that are essential for proficient multi-engine flying.

Below you’ll find each video followed by the quiz questions for that section.

Multi-Engine Aerodynamics and Performance Part 1

Aerodynamics and Performance Part 1
What are the 4 main aerodynamic principles that affect your aircraft while operating on one engine?
What is the definition of a critical engine?
How do you know which engine is considered critical on a conventional twin?
Does our airplane have a critical engine? Why or why not?
What are the V speeds regarding landing gear operation?
What is the definition and speed of VSSE?
What are the published stall speeds of the Seminole?
The single engine best rate of climb speed is 88 KIAS.
The single engine best angle of climb speed is 88 KIAS
In the Seminole VNO is 169 KIAS and VNE is 202 KIAS.
What is VFE?

Multi-Engine Aerodynamics and Performance Part 2

Aerodynamics and Performance Part 2
What is VMC speed?
Under what conditions must a manufacturer test an airplane to determine its published VMC speed?
How would density altitude change your VMC speed?
How would CG affect your VMC speed?
More weight lowers VMC because the plane’s wings need to carry the extra weight, thus increasing the horizontal component of lift available. This works against the asymmetric thrust, thus lowering VMC since the bank creates a horizontal component of lift.
“Zero sideslip” is when the lateral axis is aligned to the relative wind. This improves single engine performance as it reduces drag.
What is the definition of Accelerate Stop distance?
What does Accelerate Go distance mean?
What is the difference between a single-engine service ceiling and an all-engine service ceiling of a multi-engine airplane?
What is the definition of an absolute ceiling?
How do you recover from a spin in the Seminole?

Multi-Engine Aerodynamics and Performance Part 3

Coming Soon.

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