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Private Pilot Ground School

Private Pilot Ground School

In Person Ground Schools Update

At this time we have discontinued our in person ground schools. If you’re ready for ground school here are the online ground schools we recommend.

Pass your private pilot written exam the first time with our weekend private pilot ground school.

Taking your Private Pilot FAA exams can be stressful and even intimidating.

We’ve been there! That’s why we offer incredibly thorough preparatory private pilot ground school. In one weekend we equip you with the knowledge and confidence to take, and pass, your private pilot test.

Private Pilot Ground School

What’s included in the Weekend Private Pilot Ground School:

  • Runs Friday-Sunday, starting at 12pm Friday and 8am Saturday & Sunday.
  • 20 hrs. of classroom test preparation.
  • Sport/Private Pilot written test endorsement (endorsement only given after successful completion of 2 practice tests with a score of 80% or above).
  • Lunch is provided on the second day.
  • Jeppeson Private Pilot Airman Knowledge Test Guide. This book is included with Private Pilot Ground School enrollment and can be picked up at Thrust Flight.

What Else Do I Need:

  • E6b flight computer
  • Dallas/Forth Worth Sectional (electronic version on a tablet or computer is acceptable)
  • Paper and pen

Frequently Asked Questions about Ground School

Why Choose Our Private Pilot Ground School?

  • Comprehensive Weekend Program: Our private pilot ground school runs from Friday to Sunday, starting at 12 PM on Friday and 8 AM on Saturday and Sunday. Over the course of 20 hours, our experienced Certified Flight Instructors (CFIs) will guide you through classroom test preparation, ensuring you grasp all the essential concepts.
  • Expert Instructors: Our ground school is taught by our most experienced CFIs/CFIIs, who bring a wealth of knowledge and practical experience to the classroom.
  • Proven Success: We provide a thorough preparation that includes practice questions from the FAA knowledge test bank, helping you to pass your private pilot written exam with confidence.

How to Study for Ground School?

  • Preparation: Before attending ground school, ensure you have all the necessary supplies. If you attend our weekend ground school, the books are included.
  • Flight Lessons: We recommend attending ground school after a few flight lessons so that you’re already familiar with the topics covered.
  • Pre-Reading: Reading the FAA’s Airplane Flying Handbook will build a foundation of knowledge that ground school can build upon.
  • Active Participation: Take notes during class and keep a list of topics you find challenging to study further on your own or with a flight instructor.