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7 Aviation Podcasts Every Pilot Should Listen To 




In this post I’m sharing some of the aviation podcasts I enjoy on my drive to the airport.

Podcasts are a fantastic way to dive into the world of aviation.

Like dynamic audiobooks, good pilot podcast hosts weave their shows out of engaging conversations, humor, and interesting topics to keep you coming back for more.

Tune in while you drive to school or work, wait for the plane to come out of maintenance, or wait for the weather to clear before your next flight. 

There are podcasts produced for almost any topic you can imagine, and there is no shortage of aviation-themed shows.

Some of the best aviation podcasts are produced by big media companies you may already be familiar with, but many others are made by pilots just looking to share their perspectives.

Here are seven of the top aviation podcasts that every pilot will love. (But if you’d rather do some reading, here’s 10 pilot books you should read.

1. I Learned About Flying From That (ILAFFT) by Flying Magazine

I Learned About Flying From That is an offshoot of the popular Flying Magazine column.

This pilot podcast features interviews with pilots who have survived emergencies and in-flight crises.

Hearing about how pilots have addressed issues, what worked and didn’t work, how they got there in the first place, and how they got out of it makes for excellent stories and learning. What would you have done?

I learned about flying from that aviation podcast logo

2. The Finer Points

A flight training podcast from CFI Jason Miller.

Miller began the podcast in 2005, looking to help other pilots achieve excellence and fly their best. Miller also produces The Finer Points in video format on YouTube.

Episodes are short (10 to 30 minutes on average), each covering one topic worth considering. Perfect for learning something useful on a short commute. 

The Finer points aviation podcast logo

3. The AOPA Podcasts

Ok, this one actually contains several podcasts to choose from.

One of the top producers of professional aviation podcasts is the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association.

The association offers seven podcasts, each aimed at a specific interest area or corner of the aviation world.

AOPA Podcast Never Again logo

There I Was — Brought to you by the AOPA Air Safety Institute, There I Was brings you stories from the cockpit as pilots tell you how they survived unexpected and unpredictable scenarios.

Never Again — Pilots share first-person accounts of frightening experiences to help you learn from their mistakes.

Ask the A&Ps — Answers to your toughest maintenance questions from industry professionals.

Hanger Talk — General interest topics and interviews with pilots, newsmakers, and policymakers.

Pilot Briefing Podcast — General aviation news updates.

Pilot Protection Services — Stories from AOPA’s legal and medical certification staff.

Flying Club Radio — Updates from the AOPA Flying Clubs team.

4. Aviation Week Network’s Podcasts

Another supplier of great aviation content, Aviation Week, produces many podcasts.

Like the rest of Aviation Week Network’s content, these podcasts provide industry updates for each area of operation in a news format.

Aviation Week podcast logo

Check 6 — Big-picture issues facing the world of aerospace and defense.

MRO — Maintenance, repair, and overhaul related topics.

Window Seat — Answers to what’s happening in the airline and air transport industry.

BCA — Business aviation updates for fleet owners, FBOs, and fractional ownerships. 

It’s a fantastic aviation news talk podcast that will keep you informed on the industry while helping you become a better pilot.

5. Pilot’s Discretion by Sporty’s

Conversations with aviation’s most interesting people, covering diverse topics from flight training to air shows to airlines.

Host John Zimmerman keeps it interesting and fun.

No news or fluff here.

Pilot's Discretion aviation podcast logo

6. Behind the Prop Podcast

Houston locals Bobby Doss and Wally Mulhearn have a combined 24,400 hours of flight time.

Doss owns a flight school, while Mulhearn is a pilot for a major airline and a DPE. The show covers their unique perspectives on all things aviation.

If you’re looking for an airline pilot podcast this is a great one to listen to.

Behind the Prop pilot podcast logo

7. 21.Five

An aviation podcast for professional pilots made by professional pilots Dylan and Max.

They interview industry experts, discuss hot topics, and share entertaining stories. Listener questions drive many episodes. 

21.Five pilot podcast logo

8. (BONUS!) — Pilots Say What? by Thrust Flight

Looking for a great pilot training podcast—what it’s like as a student or what it’s like as a CFI?

Pilots Say What looks to answer these questions with honest, behind-the-scenes conversations about the industry.

With tips to help you learn your maneuvers and everything you should know to become a successful airline pilot, Pilots Say What? has it all.

And while we might be biased, we think this is the best aviation podcast for new pilots.

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